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Boketto Life

Energized Camphor / Bhimseni Kapoor - Rose Fragrance

Energized Camphor / Bhimseni Kapoor - Rose Fragrance

Regular price Rs. 4,550.00
Regular price Rs. 5,010.00 Sale price Rs. 4,550.00
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Our Energised camphor Mix / Bhimseni kapoor have been mixed with some amazing Magical ingredients to add to the already existing goodness of camphor. It contains herbs, oils and spices which is ideal for meditation, cleansing your home and uplifting your mood and energy.

Derived from cinnamomic camphora (camphor tree), for centuries camphor is
and has been widely used for it's multiple benefits on body and mind.

1. Vapour of camphor reliefs seasonal allergies symptoms by promoting fuller and deeper breathing.
2. Drives away negative energies and ushers in positivity and peace.
3. Improves sleep pattern.
4. Purifies the air with its antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties.
5. Uplifts mood and energy.
6. Instantly boosts and energies a tired body and mind

Product details

Highly flammable. Do not leave it unattended.

Bhimseni Camphor, Herbs, Botanicals and Certified Oils

How to use

Ligthing Energized Camphor / Bhimseni Kapoor is ideal for early mornings and late evenings to cleanse the energy of your space.

1. Light a small portion of the product on a tea light diffuser / electric diffuser. Camphor is highly flammable; never leave it unattended while burning in a diffuser.
2. Once the camphor evaporates, the botanicals may start to emit a burnt smell. At this point, discard the botanicals.
3. Ligthing Energized Camphor / Bhimseni Kapoor is ideal for early mornings and late evenings to cleanse the energy of your space
4. Always use high-quality, heat-resistant tea lights to prevent unexpected flare-ups or fire hazards.

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All products are manufactured in India | Packed By : BokettoLife, 569, 2nd floor, More Market road, Sector 56, Gurgaon 122011 Haryana